Events Calendar
Construction Safety, Networking, and Educational Events
ABA2 and SAEF2 Performance Accountability and Reporting Overview
Tuesday, September 10, 2024 (3:30 PM - 4:30 PM) (CDT)
Tuesday, September 10, 2024 3:30 PM ~ 4:30 PM ET
During this event Apprenticeship Building America Round 2 (ABA2) and State Apprenticeship Expansion Formula Round 2 (SAEF2) grantees have an opportunity to learn important information about:
- Performance accountability
- Performance reporting
- Performance indicators, including the ABA2- and SAEF2-specific indicators of performance, the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) primary indicators of performance, and the apprenticeship expansion measures required for each grant.
The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) and the Office of Apprenticeship (OA) invites Apprenticeship Building America Round 2 (ABA2) and State Apprenticeship Expansion Formula Round 2 (SAEF2) grantees to attend this event where they will learn more about the ABA2- and SAEF2-specific indicators of performance, the applicable WIOA indicators of performance (i.e., what they mean and how they are calculated), and the apprenticeship expansion measures. At the end of this training, you will be able to:
- Target Audience: Grantee staff, especially those responsible for performance reporting, should attend this event
- Understand the importance of Performance Accountability and Reporting
- Identify Definitions and Concepts Determine ABA2 and SAEF2 Indicators of Performance Recognize WIOA Indicators of Performance reported by OA-managed grants
- Locate Performance Reporting technical assistance (TA) Resources
Please note that this webinar is a part of performance reporting interconnected events. Therefore, look forward to more in-depth information on the following topics at future webinars:
- Data collection and preparation
- Introduction to the Participant Individual Record Layout (PIRL)
- Introduction to the Workforce Integrated Performance System (WIPS)
- Generating Quarterly Performance Reports (QPR)
- Data validation for OA-managed Grants Credential Attainment and Measurable Skill Gains
- Reporting Pre-apprentices for OA-managed Grants
- Completing the Quarterly Narrative Report (QNR) Co-enrollment for OA-managed Grants
Kenyon Corbett, Program Analyst, Office of Apprenticeship, U.S. Department of Labor
Shelia Lewis, Program Analyst, Office of Apprenticeship, U.S. Department of Labor Natasha Douglas, Contractor, Office of Apprenticeship, U.S. Department of Labor Jessica Williams, Contractor, Office of Apprenticeship, U.S. Department of Labor
Registration Link:
WorkforceGPS - ABA2 and SAEF2 Performance Accountability and Reporting Overview